SAM TUDOR - Joseph in the Bathroom
MUSIC VIDEO / 4m38s / 2019
Through the vacant halls of a small town high school, two faceless outcasts are dragged from room to room by an invisible force. When they arrive in the gym, Sam Tudor comes face-to-face with the dark social realities of his school experience.
Kristian Volkmann
Abby Roy
Sam Tudor
Perry Roy
Wanda Roy
Director: Lucas Hrubizna
Producer: Joaquin Cardoner
Cinematographer: Blake Davey
Editor: Lucas Hrubizna
Visual Effects: Lucas Hrubizna
Colourist: Lucas Hrubizna
Production Designer: Charlie Hannah
Director’s Statement
The video for Sam Tudor's track "Joseph in the Bathroom" is an extremely personal, moral homecoming for the singer-songwriter. In the song, he recalls the dark social realities of his small-town highschool with newfound clarity. To confront the past head-on, I travelled with Sam to his old school in Northern BC, casting real students from the school and creating a dream-like production process which put us inside the song.
Listening to his words, I began to envision the school as a physical embodiment of Sam’s mind and the way we move through it as his stream of conscious thought. As we drift through the building, the vacant bodies of both teenagers slither lifelessly along the ground, pulled from room to room by an invisible force. They have no agency within the context of Sam's headspace. They exist in his mind as faceless objects, seemingly part of the school itself.
When his fractured memories of these characters coalesce in the high school gym and Joseph and Autumn’s faces are suddenly revealed, Sam is unable to confront their subjectivity and makes a fruitless attempt to escape it. As he runs, the haunting chorus of “no reflections, no reflections” rings out, reminding us that their presence will loom over Sam until he does in fact, reflect.
AWARDs + Selections
STAFF PICK BEST OF THE MONTH - Vimeo Staff Pick Best of the Month April 2019
WINNER- Best Music Video - Seeyousound International Music Film Festival 2020
WINNER- Best Music Video - Columbus International Film and Animation Festival 2020
NOMINEE- UKMVA Best Alternative Video (International) 2019
NOMINEE - Prism Prize 2020
NOMINEE- Best Alternative Video (International) - UKMVA 2019
HONOURABLE MENTION - Best International Music Video - Bogota Music Video Festival 2019
FINALIST - Best International Music Video - Brazil Music Video Festival 2019
FINALIST - Best International Revelation - Brazil Music Video Festival 2019
FINALIST - Best Creativity/Screenplay - Soundie Awards 2019
OFFICIAL SELECTION - La Guarimba International Film Festival 2020
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Columbus International Film and Animation Festival 2020
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Seeyousound International Music Film Festival 2020
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Brussels Independent Film Festival 2020
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Krakow International Film Festival 2019
OFFICIAL SELECTION - ARS Independent Festival 2019
Best of the Month: From shoe cars to shady landlords
Lucas Hrubizna Depicts the Cruel Indifference of High School in Dark Music Video ‘Joseph in the Bathroom’
Directors Notes
Joseph in the Bathroom – Sam Tudor
Directors Library
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Sam Tudor 'Joseph in the Bathroom' by Lucas Hrubizna
Sam Tudor "Joseph In The Bathroom" Video
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Sam Tudor – Joseph in the Bathroom
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Sam Tudor - "Joseph In The Bathroom"
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